Saturday, August 17, 2013

Well, water and walls

Well, after a few weather issues, the show didn't get started till Friday, but what a day it was.  The framers, the builder, the well guys, and of course Uriah and I all showed up bright and early Friday morning.  I was fascinated by the well drilling process.
The first thing they did was dig out these tiered trenches, the one on the left was about 5 feet deep.  They filled the lowest one with 4 feet of water from our upper pond.  They set up the drilling truck on blocks.  The water will help lubricate the drill bit, and keep it cool.  Ken, explained to us the general process and the layers they would go through before they got to the good water.

 This gives you an idea of how big this rig is. 

Keeping the shallow trench clear of the clay and sand build up.  These guys have been doing this so long, they can just look at the expelled material and tell how good the water will be in that area.

Dangling from this chain is the cutting bit.  They were changing this one out because according to Ken it was like "using a butter knife to cut through the earth".

They put the drill pipe in the block, then use this huge wrench to loosen the hold.
Once the pipe is loose, they use the motor to unscrew the pipe and  grease it,

They then use a hook and chain to pull one of these 20 foot pipes
vertically and screw it to those already drilled, so one and so on.

The guideline the neighbors had given us was 350-400 feet for good drinking water.  So we were prepared and ultimately we drilled to 345 with the additional 20 feet of filter.  The sand down there was incredibly fine, which means the water is filtered for crisp clean taste.
Uricka!!! We have water!!  At 40 gallons per minute!!!


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