Saturday, August 17, 2013

Classic Barn Structure

They finished framing the barn in record time.  Now you can see the classic barn structure.  It will house Uriah's woodshop with a finishing room.  There will be a small room in the back that will be for my gardening things.  I'm so happy Uriah will finally have a place for his woodworking.

It isn't all sunshine and roses, we had a few issues this week, one of which is this pole (right, 2nd from the front).  When we did the walk through on the barn, after the framing, we noticed there was this huge pole sitting 8 feet in front of the loading door.  A few phone calls later, and it should be fixed shortly.
Not sure what the timeline is, but the next step is the rough plumbing, then they can pour the foundation.  This will be a metal barn in classic red and white with a brown roof.  Once it is sheeted, Uriah and I will finish out the inside.  Shouldn't be too much longer.

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