Saturday, August 24, 2013

Framing, Week 1 of Framing

By Thursday evening the framing was nearly done.
We have a full set of stairs.

After climbing up a rather wobbly ladder a few times to gain 2nd floor access, these stairs look amazing to my eyes.
You can see from this view, the roof is almost completed.  These guys are like a well oiled machine.  They work in small teams conquering each task quickly.  I'm impressed how much they have accomplished in so little time.  They don't waste much time climbing ladders, they shimmy up and down the boards like acrobats.  If one of the is working upstairs or on the roof, they give they other one on the ground the measurements, they cut it and then toss the board up to their counterpart.  They walk along the edges of these narrow beams with nimble feet, seemingly never missing a step.

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