Saturday, August 24, 2013

From swamp to pond

I've mentioned Uriah and I, but mostly Uriah, have been going out almost daily doing clearing.  I thought you might like to see some of the fruits of our labor.
This is what the front pond looked like when we bought the property.
As you can see, it looks pretty swampy.  I've got to admit I didn't relish the thought of playing around in there.
After we pulled all the dead, fallen logs out, cut the brush and trimmed around the existing trees, here is what it looks like today.
Now that it's cleaned up, its much less intimidating.  Our plan from here is to call Paul back out with the bulldozer and dig it out a little more, line it with clay and fill it back up to the tree line.  Eventually we intend to put a fountain, for irrigation purposes, in the center and build a bridge across it, won't that be neat?

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