Monday, October 14, 2013

The Pink and the White House

Insulation completed and Drywall begins

First they used the expanded foam to seal the corners and seams. 
Then came back with the cotton candy batting.

I really want a pair of these stilts, how awesome would that be for dusting or changing a light bulb?


The black strapping holds everything in place until the drywall gets installed.
The guy on the stilts is Jose, he owns the drywalling company. 
 I have to say, all of the subcontractors have been really great guys.
Once these huge pallets of drywall got dropped off, they wasted no time getting down to business.

They work from the ceiling down.  These two guys are working on the master bedroom.

The Great Room

The back wall of the kitchen, where the stove will be.

This is my studio upstairs

Same room, from the window looking in.
Next week they should begin the taping and floating.
The house really seems to be becoming a home.  Everything feels less massive now that the walls are in place and the echos are gone.  Now I have to yell to find my hubby.

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