Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cool Concrete

Concrete Stains
This week we met with David, the decorative concrete guy.  The concrete flooring has to be done before the insulation and drywall can be installed.  We are putting a large compass rose in the foyer, we already had the direction of true north marked out for him so there were only a few other issues...largely the color.  We had already picked out and provided some color samples for David to work with.  He laid down a few samples for us to choose from.
David stressed to us multiple times that the floor will appear much lighter than the samples when applied to the whole floor.  We wanted something a little darker than the first 4 samples.  David custom mixed a few more blending some of the walnut (2) and saddle brush (4).
It was difficult to reach a decision since the colors look vastly different based on where you are standing in the room.

This is only a few feet from where the first picture was taken. 

We were leaning towards the one on the far right but ultimately picked the one on the left and had David hand paint additional walnut undertones.
While we were picking out colors, the crew was prepping the floors.  This consisted of first sweeping then vacuuming.  Next, they brought in a hose and literally hosed the floors down and mopped them till perfectly clean.  They blocked off the entries and turned on the fans.  The floors had to dry for a full 24 hours prior to the application of the first coat.

The Compass Rose

The star will be completed in alternating dark and light stains.  There will also be a boarder defining  the foyer, it will appear as an entry rug.

See anything odd about the compass rose???   It can be fixed.

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