Big Day at the Ranch
Seems like Thursdays are always a big day at the build site. Today, we arrive just after 0800 and found the painters, roofers, cleaners and masons, all getting started. Even the builder, Jason was there doing some manual labor.
You can see how painting the arch trim really makes them Pop! And I think it will set off the stone yet to be placed on the front of the house.
The painters finished the back of the house as well. Looks like they did a nice job.
These guys work quickly especially with the pneumatic nail gun. This one guy was doing the garage area by himself, the others were concentrated around the dormers with all the tricky angles.
This man was installing the drip edge. It seems strange that something so small can make such a dramatic difference on the appearance of the house.
Even Uriah climbed up for an elevated view. He was checking the chimney area for clearances, it will be getting bricked later.
We left half way through the day and they already had so much done. I would guess they will be finished late today or early tomorrow.
Maria and her worker show up about once a week to clean up the construction debris.
Uriah and I are there everyday so we clean up all the general trash the guys leave behind. The other day a large animal got into the dumpster and pulled a large bag into the lower field where the cows graze, it took an hour to clean up.
I made a comment about how messy the guys are and Maria said she was glad they were and happy to clean up after them. She is a hard worker, she must be in her late 60s but told me that someday she hopes to become an American citizen.
These guys operate like a well oiled machine. There are only a couple guys actually laying the brick, but crazy fast. Which is largely due to the work the other guys are doing. One cuts the brick for all the corners and turns, another is stacking the whole bricks around, anticipating need, another is mixing the mortar with sand and water to the desired consistency and yet another, takes the mixed mortar in a wheel barrel and deposits it where the brick layers are working. He mixes the mortar, the old with the new, keeping the mixture consistent.
The blank space is for the stone cap that will be added later. We are really happy with how the brick came together, the colors are gorgeous.
This is Jose, who is el grande hefe.
Jason, caught doing manual labor.